We were blown away by the turn out for this years downtown Middleton, WI business’s Trick or Treating event. So many great halloween costumes! Like last year; we put on a halloween photo booth in our Gallery on Parmenter St, and photographed well over 220 princesses, vampires, ghouls, skeletons, ninjas, SWAT team members, lobsters, penguins, pop stars, super heros, Star Wars characters, robots, and many many other rambunctious little ones looking to add to their stashes of treats. Thank you to everyone who took part, and as promised here are the photos from our booth. There are 26 groups in total, so be sure to check them all out (they’re posted below)
We will once again be running a photo costume contest. First prize will be a free custom Holiday and Card session ($99 value), 2nd prize will be a fine-art eco-friendly 8×10 of your little monster from our photo booth pictures ($75 value), and 3rd prize will be a fine-art eco-friendly 5×7 of the little monster from our photo booth pictures ($35 value). To vote simply comment here on this blog post, be sure to list the group number and description of the costume you are voting on. You may only vote once, however if you also ‘like’ us on our Facebook page your vote will count for 2. You may have as many family, friends, co-workers, etc vote as you wish. Voting closes Thursday November 3rd, 2011 at 5pm. Winners will be announced by the following Monday and it will be the responsibility of the winners to contact us to claim their prizes.
If you would like a Facebook image of your child’s shot, please first ‘like’ us on Facebook and make a request along with your vote for an image to be posted to our facebook album in the blog comments here. Happy Halloween! – Derrick & April Look
Group 1 (below)
Group 2 (below)Group 3 (below)
Group 4 (below)
Group 5 (below)
Group 6 (below)
Group 7 (below)
Group 8 (below)
Group 9 (below)
Group 10 (below)
Group 11 (below)
Group 12 (below)
Group 13 (below)
Group 14 (below)
Group 15 (below)
Group 16 (below)
Group 17 (below)
Group 18 (below)
Group 19 (below)
Group 20 (below)
Group 21 (below)
Group 22 (below)
Group 23 (below)
Group 24 (below)
Group 25 (below)
Group 26 (below)