Hitting 45 degrees in WI today! Engagement Photography Madison WI

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We are pumped about the warm up, touching 45 degrees today after a winter where we’ve seen close to that number as a negative windchill and seemingly have remained on the minus side of zero more than the plus side for months now.  It’s been tough to shoot outside as of late, but we  braved the elements for Liz and Grant’s engagement session over the weekend All though they had some great photos from the ice skating portion of their engagement shoot, it seemed only fitting to share them sun bathing in the snow to honor such a temperature breakthrough (all though it is short lived as it’ll be back in the teens again in a few days).  Keep in mind that they two of them did this not in 45 degree weather, but at a breezy 18 degrees.  I couldn’t feel my thumbs on the shutter, but I can’t imagine how they felt.  Get out and enjoy the sun, and wish for spring.

